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7, Firuz-Ara
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Dr.Neville S.Bengali is a world-renowned researcher in Biomagnetic Medicine(Magnet Therapy),
his "Clinical Research" cover's a period of 30 years.
He is also an esteemed clinical hypnotist and homoeopath.

© T.N.O. 1998 - 2012










 Dr.Neville S.Bengali is a world-renowned researcher in Biomagnetic Medicine (Magnet Therapy),
 his "Clinical Research" covering a period of 30 years. He is also an esteemed clinical hypnotist and
 homoeopath. His book "Magnet Therapy, Theory and Practice", now in its 4th edition,
 is ranked among the most scientific works on the subject.
 He has regularly been featured in the media, and a number of 'incurable' cases cured at his biomagnetic centres
 have been published therein. He has written innumerable articles on magnet therapy
 and biomedical topics for various publications.
 He has been invited to address medical institutions and socio-cultural organisation
 like the lions, the rotarians and the Indo-American Society on the subject of Magnet Therapy.
 Medical specialists and patients from India, Singapore, Japan, England, France, Italy, Austria and the U.S
 have sought his advice and guidance on magnet therapy.
 "Ischaemic Heart Disease"
  A testimony published in The Afternoon Despatch & Courier, March 6, 1995:
 "I have been a chronic patient of IHD with recurrent angina pains, progressively growing worse in spite of regular medication
 The angiography revealed that six of my coronary arteries were blocked.
 I was advised coronary bypass surgery.
 Before I could decide on surgery a friend advised me to consult Dr. Neville S. Bengali,
 the renowned magnet therapist and homoeopath.
 With Dr. Neville's treatment I have been free from angina pains
 and the physical and mental distress and am leading a reasonably normal, healthy and active life.............
--- Mr. D. M."
 A testimony published in The Sunday Mid - Day, September 10, 1989:
 "I have been suffering from arthritic pains in most of my joints.
 My fingers were so painful and stiff that a cup would fall from my hand.
 Coupled with the pain and stiffness in my Knees and shoulders, it was with considerable
 difficulty that I could carry out my daily chores.
 Medicines, diathermy and heated wax gave me little relief......
 A relative who is an Allopathic physician advised me to consult Dr. Neville Bengali for magnet therapy.....
 I am surprised to find that I am now free of my pains and stiffness
 and I can go about my duties comfortably with the grace of God....
--- Sister M. T."









 Rationale Of Magnet Therapy
 Life is essentially a biomagnetic (pranic) phenomenon.
 Every cell is a biomagnetic unit with a characteristic frequency of vibration.
 During health the various organs and systems resonate in sync with one another.
 Dr. Neville's theory that disease is represented as change in cell vibration was first published in
 The Indian Express on April 26, 1970.
 Constitutional treatment with South and North magnetic energies restores biomagnetic (pranic) harmony,
 consequently correcting abnormal physiological states.
 Magnet therapy strengthens the immune status of the individual.











 Treatment Procedure
 A – The most important aspect of magnet therapy involves sessions at a biomagnetic centre wherein the physician, after a careful study of the symptoms and constitutional features of each individual case, applies magnetic poles (including large, high intensity magnets) to various regions of the body. The duration of each session is about 15 minutes to half an hour. This constitutional treatment induces the various organs and tissues to vibrate in harmony with one another, leading to psycho -- physical stability. MAGNET THERAPY IS IMMUNO -- REGULATORY.
 B -- Treatment at home -- The physician advises a treatment plan wherein the patient may use smaller magnets (like the "chromo - magnet") to the diseased regions and / or to the chakras that influence those areas. This the patient does on a daily basis.
 C -- Drinking 'Magnetized' water, either North / South combined or South alone.

 Pole Identification --- (Universal, standard method)

North pointing pole = North pole (N) = Colour code: Red

South pointing pole = South pole (S) = Colour code: Blue

 ILL -- EFFECTS -- Magnet therapy is a powerful therapeutic system that brings about biomagnetic (pranic) harmony when correctly used. It can also do harm when routinely or injudiciously used.
 Diseases treated -- Chronic ailments (see "testimonials" ) like Kidney - stones, gallstones, diabetes, lumbago, spondylitis, sciatica, peptic ulcer, gastritis, cataract, migraine, insomnia, mental retardation, epilepsy, menstrual disorders, infertility, impotence, neurological disorders like Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease: paralytic states, tumour's.
 Magnet Therapy may be taken along with other modes of treatment.
 Being immuno -- regulatory, it plays a vital role in preventive and curative medicine.











 7, Firuz-Ara, 160,
 Madam Cama Road,
 Opp. Cooperage
 Band Stand, Mumbai - 400 021.
 Maharashtra. India.
 Ph : (91-022) 204 0498
 No : (91-022) 445 7708